Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My mother is in town this weekend, so obviously my boyfriend had to make a particularly delicious breakfast to impress her.

An over-easy egg on toasted Italian round with cream cheese, smoked salmon, fresh basil and grated pecorino cheese
Crispy bacon
Sauteed spinach with onion and garlic
Creamy grits with Monterray Jack
Sauteed potato hash with tomato, garlic, onion and diced pork chop


  1. that looks sooooooo good, i am sure it was delicious!

  2. It *was* delicious! My boyfriend has struggled getting grits to the right consistency in the past, but this morning he aced the creamy texture. Everything tasted great, of course, but this was icing on the cake!

  3. Where do you get your crusty bread? I have yet to find a place in Nashville that does acceptable crusty bread... Provence is ok, and yet I am always slightly underwhelmed.

    Also, that breakfast looks amazing!

  4. Crusty bread is courtesy of either Harris Teeter (true story!) or Trader Joes.
