Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Neither my boyfriend nor I are big fans of eggplant. We are both, however, very partial to dipping pita in dips, especially when those dips have a healthy amount of garlic. So we used our two eggplants from the CSA to make baba ghanoush.

In the food processor: roasted eggplant, garlic, red onion, parsley and paprika
We made our own make-shift tahini by grinding roasted sesame seeds, then this was added to the mix.

One set-back was that, because they weren't cooked, the red onions gave the final dip a bit too much "kick". To try and counter-act harshness of the raw onion, we added mozzarella and goat cheese. This worked pretty well, but it's obvious that we should have used green onions, which are less intense when raw.


  1. Looks NICE ! Although we are fans of egg plant in any and every form...Yes, red onions are pretty strong, perhaps a sweet yellow vidalia would have worked milder ? Eitherway, the end result looks excellent...

  2. One thing I've found with red onions is that if you "blanch" them in ice water for a few minutes before using (say 5 minutes or so) that really draws out the spicy kick so that you get much milder flavour. I actually do that when I want to use them in salads or even on sandwiches, and it makes them a lot more pleasant.
