Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

fried green zebra tomatoes

My love for eating tomatoes - especially at this time of year - is intense, but arguably normal. Tomatoes are pretty delicious, after all, and this deliciousness quadruples when they are in-season. But my obsession with photographing tomatoes? I don't know what to say.

But lucky for me both of these loves were uniquely satisfied today, because we got a new kind of tomato that I have never had before in our CSA box: green zebra tomatoes.

Green zebra tomatoes are extremely flavorful and more tart than other tomatoes (confirmed by my boyfriend and I in a taste-test). They also have a very high acid content, which can be bit overwhelming when the tomatos are raw (or so the internet tells me, we didn't notice this).

I also searched for recipe ideas using green zebra tomatoes, to see if there was any preparation that they are especially good for.  As soon as I saw them used for fried green tomatoes, I was sold. Normally the green tomatoes used for fried green tomatoes (i.e. unripe tomatoes) don't offer up much flavor on their own - which is why they are used for frying in the first place. These tomatoes, on the other hand, pack such a spectacular punch of flavor that we had to take our time eating these - the flavor was just shy of overwhelming, but in the best possible way.

Fried green zebra tomatoes topped with goat cheese

Fried Green Tomatoes on Foodista

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