Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Monday, September 27, 2010

gnocchi gets cute: mini spoons!

We bought these cute little "amuse bouche" spoons over a month ago, and hadn't used them yet, and I was getting worried we never would. But have no fear, my boyfriend (finally!) got inspired! Since we have a go-to sauce for butternut squash gnocchi (ok, I basically insist that we make the pumpkin brown butter sauce, my boyfriend essentially has no say in the matter), the spoons provided an opportunity to try out some other sauce ideas.

A gnocchi tasting 

Sauces, from left to right:

1) creamed honey, scotch & garlic

2) olive oil, Parmesean cheese & Italian blend of spices

3) balsamic vinegar & goat cheese

Now, these were all good (I was particularly intrigued by the honey/scotch/garlic combo), but my heart already belongs to the pumpkin brown butter sauce, which my boyfriend refined tonight with the addition of sour cream. Tang was just what that sauce needed to stay on the savory track. Now it is officially perfect.

Butternut squash gnocchi (which is always so much better after a night in the fridge!) with The Best Sauce (pumpkin butter, butter & sour cream) topped with goat cheese and chopped apple

Served with sauteed pork sausage, brussel sprouts and radishes.


  1. Definitely cute! But also very impressive!

  2. Cooking with Scotch! I love that idea. I might have to try it if R will allow even a drop to go into the pan instead of going directly into his mouth.

  3. Kelsey -- we actually have you to thank for the scotch sauce: that's the scotch that we couldn't send to you guys in Ireland!

  4. I love that cute amuse-bouche platter!
    Also, Spain Spain Spain
    That is all

  5. Yum! I'm a sucker for eating this way. I love the little amuse bouche spoons.

  6. Those spoons are so awesome!! Such a creative usage too.. love the different gnocchi!
