Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Saturday, January 23, 2010

every weekend should smell of baking bread

This was our second attempt at making bread. We followed the same recipe as last time, but used active dry yeast (instead of instant), and used twice as much (1/2 tsp vs. 1/4 tsp). This seemed to make a huge difference, and our bread was nice and airy all the way through. However, because of the pan we were using our bread expanded more outwards than upwards, so we are thinking that we will try a loaf pan (vs. pie pan) next time. But in general it is pretty awesome to wake up Saturday morning and bake fresh bread for breakfast!

Two over-easy eggs on home-made bread straight out of the oven with sauteed yellow tomatoes, crispy bacon and green onions

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