Aphorisms from the Professor: Brillat-Savarin

Sunday, September 19, 2010

fall is here!

It may still be over 90 degrees here in Nashville, but it's obvious that fall is just around the corner: we got a mini-pumpkin and butternut squash in our CSA box!!!

In honour of the return of fall and all its delicious flavors, here are some of my favorite recipes from last fall that featured butternut squash and/or pumpkin. As you can see, my photography skills have dramatically improved since this blog's inception, so I am particularly excited to revisit these dishes now that I can take photographs that will do them justice.

acorn squash gnocchi with a beer butter sauce

savory butternut squash pie

butternut squash tart

pumpkin pie (and it's cousin, pumpkin cheesecake!)

pumpkin gnocchi with pumpkin brown butter topped with diced apple and beet chips

pumpkin pancakes

pumpkin bread

butternut squash ravioli with pumpkin butter glazed beets and apple


  1. There are few things cuter than mini pumpkins and squash! Seeing your list of recipes reminded me of the pumpkin cheesecake you shared with us last year. Yum! I will make it a goal to try your recipe this year.

  2. What a lovely photo of delicious fall goodies. I love pumpkin so I'll be checking out all of your recipe links.
